Sindovanya Andevarlon
This world started because I read this article about
binary terrestrial planets, and if they could possibly occur. According to the article, there were some cases where they formed,
but they had the interesting protperties of being tidally locked to eachother, which got me really excited to think about what it would
be like if both planets were inhabited by intelegent life. The two planets are nessicarily close together, and because they're tidally locked
would appear motionless in the sky if you were on the half of the planet that could see the other planet. The other planet would appear
significantly larger and closer than the moon, and every day around noon, you would see the other planet eclpse any stars.
Needless to say, I had to do something with that, so I made Sindovanya Andevarlon
which has two planets that more or less fit that description. I've mostly focused on one, and it's infact where the game I'm working on,
Merchants_of_Klocios is going to take place on. This was the first world I made on Worldanvil after helping
with the Oriso, listed below, and one I've been enjoying developing.
Bond108 - The Oriso
The Oriso are a race of space faring anthropromorphic polar bears who primarily use solar sails for interstellar travel. Basically, they're solar polar bears. I've contributed most of the information about them, and am particularly proud of their language, and religon, which I hope to finish some day.