
School or Personal?





# of Ds


Clockwork Mansion

Quick Facts

Language Lua
Tools Love2D
Team Size 5
Is it Available? Yes
Started March 7th, 2020
Last Worked On March 9th, 2020
An NPC walking down a hallway.

Try to prevent the world ending in a mansion that runs like clockwork. My first time working in Lua and Love2D.

Light Doggo

Quick Facts

Language C#
Tools Unity 2D
Team Size 3
Is it Available? Yes
Started April 22nd, 2018
Last Worked On September 30th, 2018
Girl in a jacket running after a ghost dog.

A one or two player local co-op game where your dead dog comes back to guide you through the underworld after all the light has been stolen. I helped implement the dialogue system and controlls.


Quick Facts

Language C#
Tools Unity 2D
Team Size 2
Is it Available? Yes.
Is it Finished? No.
Started February 24th, 2019
Last Worked On February 25th, 2019
Stylized writing of 'dxm' the name of the game over a neon grid.

Testris but gravity periodically rotates. This game had difficulty with physics and collissions, but is one I hope to return to and fix someday. I did all the programming while my partner did the art and music.

Gender Constructor 2019

Quick Facts

Tools Microsoft Excell
Team Size Just me
Is it Available? Yes
Is it Finished? Almost
Started May 26th, 2019
Last Worked On June 3rd, 2019
The game's title, on a light gren background.

This game was made for my Intro to Queer Studies class, and is meant to show the idea that gender is socially constructed by poking fun at gender norms. While the rules are finished, I need to finish the cards and art so people can easily print it out and play it.

Meme Economy Bot

Quick Facts

Language Java
Tools Java Discord API
Team Size Just Me
Is it Available? Yes.
Started January 28th, 2018
Last Worked On October 29th, 2019

A text based stock market simulation game. Rather than a terminal, the chat program Discord is used to interact with the game, so multiplayer is simple. The bot works, but is missing some features I want to add before declaring it completed

Skyrhymes: A Rap Battle RPG

Quick Facts

Language C#
Tools Unity 2D
Team Size 4
Is it Available? Yes
Is it Finished? Yes
Started October 22nd, 2018
Last Worked On April 27th, 2020
Todd Howard enshrowded in mist

This is a rhyming game with an attempt at synching audio and game events. It's complete but the systems need to be debugged. I want to take a second pass at this using FMOD or some other audio middleware to make it work better.

Sindovanya Andevarlon

Quick Facts

Tools World Anvil
Team Size Just me
Started Summer, 2018
Last Worked On February 2nd, 2020

Some world building I've done. The general idea is to play with a world with binary terrestrial planets. So, there's two earth like planets with life orbiting eachother, based off of this article.

Planet Generator

Quick Facts

Language Python
Team Size Just Me
Is it Available? No.
Started June 14th, 2018
Last Worked On October 9th, 2018

A generator to make physically plausable planets for world building. The general idea is to math out plausable characteristics of a planet like it's orbat, metallic composition, and other stuff about a solar system to speed up early world building math.

Detecting Regionalisms in Subreddits

Quick Facts

Language Python
Team Size Just Me
Is it Available? Yes
Started June 1st, 2020
Last Worked On June 11th 2020

This is a set of scripts to try to detect regionalisms in reddit posts and comments. It's functional but not really useful, and needs to be cleaned up and improved before it's done.

Merchants of Klocios

Quick Facts

Tools Unity 2D
Language C#
Team Size Just Me
Is it Available? No
Started 2018
Last Worked On January 2020

An rpg where you're a traveling merchant. I'm hoping to loosely simulate the economy and use this game to explore the world I've been building.

Neon Racer

Quick Facts

Tools Unity 3D
Language C#
Team Size Just Me
Is it Available? No
Started March 2020
Last Worked On April 2020
A Neon cube with trailing light jumping.

Using Unity's HDRP for ray tracing, this is a racing game with a neon aesthetic.


Quick Facts

Language Java
Team Size 4
Is it Available? No
Started October 2019
Finished December 2020

This is a task tracking app aimed at students made for my human centered design class. We created a mobile app for android in Java with android studio as our IDE. For most of the team this was the first time creating a mobile app which prooved to be challenging, but by the end we supported most of the major features we wanted.

Minecraft Enviorment Design

(AKA Building Some Pretty Enviorments)

Quick Facts

Tools Unity 3D
Language C#
Team Size Just Me
Is it Available? No
Started March 2020
Last Worked On April 2020
A Bridge with the sun rising behind it in MINECRAFT.

Doing some level building in minecraft around my house, in particular paying attention to the tarrain, vegitation, and path design. I'm planning on making an image gallery once it's more complete. Shaders - Sonic Eithers Path Tracing Shader r12, texture pack - better faithful 1.15.